April 8, 2010

home and healthy

finally our life is feeling a bit more normal again! after 8 days back at the hospital, crew has been home from primary's since last wednesday...and he has been doing great! we haven't noticed any seizing, so the medications seem to be doing their job for now...and we are so happy about it! while we were at primary's, crew underwent quite a bit of testing...a spinal tap, multiple blood tests, another MRI, and a 4th ongoing EEG which lasted 2 days...meaning the poor kid was hooked up to all those wires for 48 hours. not fun...but he really did great! all of the tests have come back completely normal so far...which is encouraging, but at the same time, we are left not knowing what has exactly caused crew to have the seizures. however, in the bit of research we have done, 30% of babies that are born with seizures are left undiagnosed...and eventually they do grow out of them. so we will keep our fingers crossed and hope that crew will outgrow them as well. it is encouraging to know that there is medication out there to help control the seizures if that's not the case. we are so grateful that he's so healthy otherwise...just perfect really! we love him like crazy...

