October 22, 2008

...busy bodies...

emerson has decided that she wants to be extra clingy. i really can't get anything done without her hanging on my leg or being held in my arms. i've resulted to putting her in her highchair in front of the tv while i try and be somewhat productive for the time that she is entertained with sesame street or backyardigans. she's at that age where she leaves her mark wherever she goes, like you can see here...

or here...

and she literally loves getting on top of and into everything she possibly can...this cupboard is perfect for her to play in though...why? because it's empty. :)

but i love her...and i wouldn't trade her for anything. it's just a busy, busy stage that's all....:)

now zac...he is getting to that age where he LOVES to help. he loves to feel like he's all "growed up" as he would say. the other night i was pretty tired after dinner. zac insisted on cleaning up it up and doing the dishes by HIMSELF. i kept on saying, "zac, are you sure? because i can help and it will go lots faster." he turned me down every time...and obviously was so proud of himself when it was all said & done...which was about an hour later. now hopefully this isn't a phase...


RaeAnn said...

Emerson is always dressed so cute! I have been missing your posts and especially your Fridays Favorites!

Charlotte said...

I can't believe how grown up Emerson looks in that cupboard photo. And Zac! What a sweetheart! Wanna trade boys for a few days?

These Four Walls said...

Ha! That is so cute. Audrey is at that phase too. I can't keep her out of anything, she loves to pull stuff out of the garbage! Gross. What a sweetheart Zac is! He is going to make a great husband someday!

Tanya said...

oh my gosh emerson is such a little angel. i would take her little messes any day. cute cute pictures.

Nicole said...

Adorable pictures and I love to hear about your kiddies! Scott's new job is clearing off the table once dinner is finished now and I love it! Can't wait until he's doing the dishes! LOL. Even if it takes much longer...they are really learning so much doing things on their own. Emerson and Zac are so cute!