yes, we are still alive. just a bit busy. chad & i went down to lake powell last week with some friends...and i didn't have my camera, so no pictures...but of course, we had a good time!
we made a trip to the zoo this week before the weather gets too cold...probably one of zac's all time favorite places. i think he most looks forward to being able to navigate his way around. every time, he HAS to get a map & map out our course. thank goodness for zac, we'd be lost without him!!

we made a trip to the zoo this week before the weather gets too cold...probably one of zac's all time favorite places. i think he most looks forward to being able to navigate his way around. every time, he HAS to get a map & map out our course. thank goodness for zac, we'd be lost without him!!

emmy's version of a giraffe tongue...their tongues ARE blue you know!

i don't know why we brought the stroller, all emerson does is scream until she gets out & then she insists on pushing it cute, but so VERY slow.

the albino often do you get to see one of these??
zac measuring up..."i'm getting REALLY big mom!" and that's so true...i sometimes wish i could stop time and keep him just how he is forever...this is such a fun stage...and i'm sure that life has lots of fun in store, but for now i'm really enjoying my "almost 4 zac" for as long as i can! :)

You need to get Zac some maps for his birthday or Christmas. He was the same way at the Dinosaur Park. It looks like you had a great time at the zoo. You're kids are too cute.
so fun! what kind of camera did you get? Is it the same brand? I am loving it! Thanks a ton, it has been great. Loves!!!
I'm sad no pics from Lake Powell but these zoo pics will make up for it. Your pics are so clear and bright. I need a new camera. The old digital one just ain't cutting it anymore.
I love the zoo! Looks like fun! Zac is so dang funny! I know what you mean about freezing time! It just goes by so fast!
cute cute kids! what an adorable little family.
Thanks for the recipe from the cookies we had in lake powell. (from your blog) I just made them and I think I have a new favorite. Yummy. I need to email you the pictures from lake powell. Don't let me forget.
i miss zac! how fun that you went to the zoo...before the weather gets awful! how was lake powell? are you loving the new camera? we need to talk soon! love ya!
BATS! How fun. I haven't put any of those up yet....I think I just might need to. BTY, how is Brynn doing and the little newborn, Jackson? Was that his name?
Lyndsie, you are just such a doll! What kind of camera do you have?
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