September 19, 2007

...Mommy Cover Discount...

Okay, so you may remember a few weeks ago I posted one of my fAvoRiTe things ever, "thE mOmmY cOveR" by Joia. Well a few days ago, Joia contacted me because there have been so many people linking onto their site from my blog. I'm glad that so many of you like it as much as I do...and here's some good news! Joia will give you a $39 Mommy Cover for only $30 when you use the coupon code "lyNdsie" on their site. Hope this helps...and Happy Nursing! :)

1 comment:

Jess Perry said...

I am so glad you posted this because I have been looking for a cute one...I am going to buy one of these things right away! YEAH!!